A fluency phone, also referred to as a whisper phone or phonics phone, is a self-amplifying device.
Focus: using a fluency phone to support students during writing self-checks
All about me – Lesson plan
Purpose: To share interesting information about ourselves with our classmates.
All about me – Student exemplar
Purpose: Students can use the icons to review this exemplar. Refer to the lesson plan above.
All about me – Published student exemplar
Suggestion: Students could use this format to publish their writing.
A fluency phone, also referred to as a whisper phone or phonics phone, is a self-amplifying device.
Focus: using a fluency phone to support students during writing self-checks
Includes: a lesson plan, YouTube video link, student planning sheet and exemplar
Focus: structuring and ordering events in a narrative (story)
Includes: Venn diagram template and two exemplars
Focus: comparing and contrasting