A fluency phone, also referred to as a whisper phone or phonics phone, is a self-amplifying device.
Focus: using a fluency phone to support students during writing self-checks
This video could be used for a class or group discussion. Students could Call a friend (page 109, The Oral Language Book) and tell them about rescuing the dogs. The partner could ask questions.
The video could also be used as a motivation for writing. Students could:
Images by Pixabay.
Check out The Oral Language Book for more great ideas like this.
A fluency phone, also referred to as a whisper phone or phonics phone, is a self-amplifying device.
Focus: using a fluency phone to support students during writing self-checks
Includes: a template with 3 bookmarks
Focus: to review and recommend books
Using images of trees to motivate students for writing
Focus: using 'ed' and 'ing' verbs in a speed writing activity