Holiday memory poem (Based on a poem idea shared by Gail Loane.)


Suggested lesson structure


Share the exemplar poem about Louise’s holiday memory or write your own exemplar following the structure.

Read the poem together and check the students understand the ideas and vocabulary. Ask the students to notice how the poem is organised (structure and punctuation). Students can do this in pairs and then come together as a class to annotate the poem. Draw attention to the descriptive vocabulary and the extra detail in each line.



Ask the students to think about their favourite holiday memory and to share it with their partner. Share examples as a class and encourage students to add interesting details and use descriptive vocabulary. Model how to list three interesting details about a holiday memory.

Students work with a partner to plan their ideas by recording their holiday memory and three interesting details. They could do this in their writing books or on whiteboards.

Model writing another line for the poem (‘I do’ and ‘we do’), based on the success criteria. Review the line with the students.


Students write their poems.  


Lesson Wrap-up

Students proofread their poems. They could check the punctuation.


Share a student’s poem (project it onto the screen). Give the student positive feedback about the content of the poem.

Review the success criteria.

Students work with a partner and review the success criteria in their poems (Partner-check). Ask them to highlight their favourite line.


Circle sharing

The students sit in a circle, and all share their best line.


Refer to The Writing Book for more information about the components of a writing lesson. 

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