Includes: a desk and table mat template and exemplar
Focus: introducing students and setting goals
Note-taking is a complex skill.
Use the 'Note-taking poster' to explicitly teach students how to take notes. The poster could also be displayed to remind students about the skills involved in taking notes.
There is also a fantastic note-taking template in The Oral Language Book (PM19).
Includes: a desk and table mat template and exemplar
Focus: introducing students and setting goals
A fluency phone, also referred to as a whisper phone or phonics phone, is a self-amplifying device.
Focus: using a fluency phone to support students during writing self-checks
Includes: PDF of Self-check and Partner-check signs in te reo Maori
Focus: identifying a focus for proofreading (self-check) and recrafting writing based on the success criteria (Partner-check)