A fluency phone, also referred to as a whisper phone or phonics phone, is a self-amplifying device.
Focus: using a fluency phone to support students during writing self-checks
Self and peer reviewing of writing is most successful when students have a routine and agreed system. For example, using a coloured pen to make corrections and improvements; and using a yellow highlighted to identify successes based on the success criteria.
Refer to Chapter 6 of The Writing Book for more information on self and peer reviewing.
The signs are designed to provide students with a visual reminder to complete their 'self-check’ and ‘partner-check’.
A fluency phone, also referred to as a whisper phone or phonics phone, is a self-amplifying device.
Focus: using a fluency phone to support students during writing self-checks
Focus: creating a vocabulary display that could support students to use more descriptive words in their writing
Focus: writing activity idea to support students get to know their classmates